
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

21 July 2006

A blog virgin

Well, it will take me time, probably, to learn how to work this properly, and time is always a limited resource.
I have the feeling that this will be an endless monologue, which is basically what I usually do, so it makes sense, in a way. After all, since I never have time to write my diary at home, and I take breaks at work to write some sort of journal on my computer, it could as well be in a blog, right?
I am glad I found the "Harbor" theme, which reminds me of Virginia Woolf and the way I would like to write. I keep repeating to myself that I will find the time to do it, squashed (literally) between my work, and my runs, and my family and the little social life I happen to have.
For example, on a parents-away weekend, I get to spend almost all of Saturday with a friend I haven't seen for some months, to look at the pictures of her wedding. It's a nice plan and I need to relax and she is a lovely person, so I now it will all be allright. But my lazy me would make up some excuse and spend the day in an oddly silent house, reading and listening to the cicadas (a word I learn now..and I wonder if this is the right plural to it), secretly (but not very secretly) hoping for a storm...


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