
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

25 July 2006


Great...Sunday afternoon, fire in the warehouse under the office...which meant holiday for us yesterday and this morning...I enjoyed taking my bike and going for a ride after almost two years, and reading and relaxing in the afternoon, and especially counting the days to the end of work when we can leave and go to Ireland.
Today, back to work, and so many things to do, but what worries me is:
- my boss will be in the worst of moods, and this is scaring the hell out of me. I can imagine that every single thing I will do will be wrong and make him even angrier, and I'm really NOT looking forward to seeing him, not for the rest of these two weeks...
- the note on the window about summer vacations has, I understand that the people downstairs will have to do extra shifts in order to keep up with the production, since so much has been burnt and we have so many orders to send...but surely we are not included in it? I mean, I have a flight on Friday, 4th!! And I mean to take it. Only, I wonder when I can ask my boss about the extra afternoon off I was meant to ask, my flight being at 8 p.m. on Friday 4th...Maybe I can wait for next Monday before asking...Maybe his mood will improve..(yeah, right).
Anyway...I wanted to talk about quite a few things, really, but these fire just made me feel nervous and strange, and I am still shaking.
Not pleasant, and now I must go back to all my paperwork. When is the weekend going to begin?


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