
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

12 June 2007

And the countdown has begun

So, I’ve, just passed an interview, THE interview to be admitted to the course in Brighton, and in a couple of days I’ll book the flight: I’m planning to leave on the 30th, however it seems more sensible to leave on Friday, the 29th, to have more time there to see the place, go and pay the rest of the fee, settle in properly. If I want to leave on Saturday it is only because I want to spend at least one night at the summer party of the band: last year I didn’t have fun, it wasn’t very funny; this year…I don’t know. I’d like to spend a nice night with my friends, waiting tables and singing and dancing, before saying goodbye and go home to spend a restless few hours before going to the airport.
Yes, I know, I am lying; no, I’m just hiding the truth. Let’s say it: I would leave on Saturday to spend the evening with Guy. As I said before, hopes are high. Even more, they are super, since on Saturday, this Saturday, we are going out for a special dinner with the people of the website of the band, and, you know…Chorus friend says that it would be a good occasion to clear things with him, and I know what she means…she means that I should “attack”. Me, I think that it would be a good idea to spend some time together, talking, having a laugh. Ok, ok, if something more happens I’ll be the first to scream of joy, but I said that I have high hopes, not that I believe in miracles…yet.
Anyway, let’s focus on practical, important things: here’s my list, in casual order:

- receive email from woman of university, complete task, fax it back to her
- wait for answer, then book flight; in the meantime, decide the best day to leave (note from the author: date decided. I will leave on the 29th, if Ryanair doesn’t play tricks and changes the fares…)
- make packing list (weather in Brighton for the month of July???)
- (this has little to do with the rest, but…I must pay the gym for June, and since I will leave earlier than the expiry date, I will go four times a week, starting from..this week! At first I thought I simply wouldn’t go, but I need moving, and I need seeing my friends and trainers there.)
- Make packing list (yes, I’ve said that before, but I really don’t know…laptop or not laptop?)
- Go to visit friend in Parma (I have become the Italian traveller…Trieste, now Parma, and in between the –imagined, or not- beginning of a romance…)

Ok, ok, there aren’t really many things to list. It was only to clear my mind. It makes me feel like the time when I left for Swansea, when they called me at the beginning of September and I left three weeks later…
I was also thinking of buying a one-way ticket, because I don’t know what I will do once the course is over. I need some time to think about it, but my mind is clogged by other thoughts. More specifically:
The thought of the dinner, Saturday;
The email from university woman which has not arrived yet;
The balance on my account, which I should check, and the money I should transfer on the credit card, not to mention the possibility of something as old-fashioned as traveller cheques to get some cash: English bank account is now closed and withdrawal means almost 3 pounds for the commission each time! Then again, if the weeks will be dedicated to intense study and little else, maybe I don’t need much money…and the course and the accommodation will be paid on the first day by credit card. Seems sorted, then!
Finally, I am furiously daydreaming, I can’t help it. I am doing it now. I realised that I was doing it while on the bike, instead of focusing on either the work-out or the packing list I thought I would mentally make up while cycling for twenty endless minutes at growing intensity…but no, my mind was on another planet, in some other dimension, forward to another time. And people, it felt great.
Hopes are high.

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