
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

13 June 2007

Today I have...

...spent hours waiting for an email that was sent at 5pm...
...seen a friend I missed...
...held her 4-month old baby for more than 10 minutes, basically because when he woke up and she took it, he looked at me, smiled, and decided that he wanted me to "walk" him around the house...
...felt so much the need of a boyfriend, and, of course, for a baby...
...taken a siesta after lunch (which is one of the Pleasure of Pleasures, and should be legalised, no, made compulsory for everybody)...
...planned the trip to Parma...
...watched two episodes of "Poirot"...
...looked and listened to the fantastic storm that messed up the garden and made me smile for a whole hour...
...thought of Guy for a real long time of the day...
in fact, I am thinking about him NOW...

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