
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

13 December 2007

Cracking crackers

Right before going back to room 5 for the second part of today's lesson...Things are very quiet these days, and I must say that I am happy to leave: I need a holiday, and I need more time to prepare my lessons. Plan for the three Italian weeks, to be precise: prepare at least 20 lessons...

In the meantime, the House Christmas Dinner on Tuesday went quite well, with good food, candles, music, and a movie to conclude. I had bought a small present for the 2 housemates and the guest, just to celebrate, I'm glad they liked it. We really had a pleasant night.

Then I walked into my room yesterday afternoon and right by my jade plant I saw this card hiding a bottle of Amaretto, which I happen to like VERY much...Tall Housemate was clearly impressed by my Christmas present:-) Good.

So, there are things to be happy about, at the moment: a good house situation (landlady should bring dvd player AND radio apparently, today), a good work situation (well...although I have no idea what it will be like in January...), and I am going home in a few days!

Finally, I am really glad about going home for Christmas, although I expect some prep talk or such from both parents, and maybe from Teacher Friend too...But hey, I hope I'll be prepared, that's all I can say. I have made up my mind quite right now, and I am convinced that this is the right choice I've made, although it's brought on pain and doubts and confusion, but at the same time it has brought some good things, and I am grateful and glad, it means that I haven't really messed it all up! So, keep your head up, this is all I can do, and work hard.

Never give in, this is also what I always tell myself. Never give in.

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