
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

25 June 2007

Another countdown and so many thoughts

I am writing. I am writing. I am writing.
I know I am repeating myself, but I can’t avoid it. It feels so good. I am reading, and I am writing.
I am also going to leave in five days, all planned and ready, and I have too many thoughts on my mind, to be honest: friends who want to see me before I leave, they make me feel as if I were leaving for another exchange year like Hull 2000, the teachers’ list, a shopping-errands trip to Bergamo with Lady friend, more work in the house to leave it nice and tidy for mum.
I spent three days at home with father only, she was on holiday with her office: I ran for hours, read, slept (it is so hot now), gone for a long walk in the woods with dad, up to 1.300 m above sea level, all Sunday afternoon. I have also gone to rehearsals, as my previous post says, and I’ve been cultivating strange fleeting thoughts since then. Yesterday, after the walk, after the necessary shower, and during a tired dinner, I texted Guy, as it’s become the habit of my Sundays, to know where he’s been, being a mountain person like me (I’d like to go trekking with him since none of my friends goes, but…), so I told him where I had been and enquired on his day. A laconic answer on the place he went, and a wish of a good week. I hate short texts, by the way. I write a lot, and my texts are always extra long and superkind, because I cannot send the tone of my voice as I’m saying something, so I need smileys and special expressions to show that I am being a) nice; b) funny; c) joking; d) ironic; and so on. Once again, written communication is not easy.
A thought in my mind is going on and on. Another thought that has been brought back to the surface after being buried for so long during my dark time.
A degree in psychology, how about that? I can work and study at home, there’s no need to attend the lessons in the university I found (which is not as good as the oldest faculty of psychology of the nation, which anyway would be some three hours away by train and requires 100% attendance, meaning that working students are not allowed…). I have downloaded information and am seriously thinking about it. I also intend to find more alternatives to that university, like some place else, which could give me the same interesting subjects and conditions. I am spending too much time on internet but it is necessary that things are carefully studied and thought. I haven’t told my parents about it, yet, because first of all I need to set other things clear and running.
Plans of these days before leaving:

- see Bride friend tonight and Gym friend tomorrow
- see if Library friend wants to meet me for another tea-and-chat
- go to uni town with Lady friend
- register to teachers’ list
- go help for the band summer fair, starting this coming Friday

Not much to do, after all, which is giving me a lot of time to write. I usually write about an hour a day, which is about two pages, and it isn’t difficult, words are happy and tidy when they line on the page. I’ve never felt this good.

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