
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

08 January 2008

Facts of the day (including evening update)

1. I am too good at crochet! Albeit quite slow, and prone to read the signs too quickly, so I end up having to unmake something I have worked on for an hour. But still, not too bad, and 7 rounds out of 36 are done.

2. How old can you feel when you are working at a new crochet project on the sofa in your cosy little living room, with dim light on (not good for your eyes!) and Classic Fm on? ....Very old....but for some reason it feels comfortable, if you see what I mean.

3. I am one who does not spend much. I used to like shopping, even by myself if I was in the right mood, and now I don't feel like going shopping anymore, although my love for boots drives me towards any shoe-shop window regardless of the season, the country, the economical situation of my bank account...This is just to say that in spite of all this, I had to start a little in-out book to check how my money can slip away so fast, when all I do is go to work, go to the gym, buy some food, and occasionally treat myself to a gingerbread latte (no more now...the first of many "treats" I have decided to cut off).

4. I am too shy and scared when it comes to do things in a language that is not my own; plus, I feel so ignorant when it comes to a certain subject, that I am instantly put off, whatever good project and will I have. Crumbs.

5. How good is this song?
Definetely voted song of the month for Peggy and her melancholic attitude.

(Later in the evening)
Just watched "Finding Nemo" with Spanish housemate while working on my crochet project (a masterpiece so far); good chances that next week I will be working for morning classes and my afternoon 1-to-1, which means decent money coming in.

Feel very guilty for not going to the Meeting last night, and feeling even worse for not going because of the wrong reasons. Even more guilty because I had to tell Ian about it, and I know he would have been happy if I had gone. It feels as if whatever I do, somebody is going to be disappointed.

I am so sad.

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