
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

03 August 2006

Criticism and more

Troubles at the band...I mean, it had to happen, and then again, we are smart enough (I think) to understand that it's all a storm in a glass rather than something REALLY important. I'm not expressing well: what I mean is, we all knew that with HIS coming back to the band there would have been troubles, because (my opinion, ok, but I don't seem to be the only one) he is one who likes to provoke, and to complain and apparently he has nothing better to do than starting "fights" about every handy thing, from politics to the way the band should go. I cannot say I'm happy about it, because it makes me nervous and uneasy, it's like a cold draft in a warm room. Nice metaphor...(I'm being sarcastic here).
Anyway, the blog seemed a nice place to meet and chat, the forum seemed just as good, but first all those useless topics, then the idea of shutting the forum because people don't use it that much and it is a lot better to discuss certain things face to face, which is exactly what I had said but of course I was not listened to, then the argument over the weekend trip, then it was who should have the task of working on the website...It really looks as if he enjoys creating troubles and provoking people.
I'm not saying that a good discussion is to be avoided at all costs, because confronting, comparing, discussing, they are all good ways to grow and better understand one another, but is it always necessary? For everything?
Oh, nevermind...
The other night, sleepless because of the festival and the superloud music, I took my old school book of literature and read through it. It just made me feel like going back to all those lit studies...a specialisation...a master...a Phd...What a dream...So now I think I'll go see if there is anything interesting for me to do...
(A few minutes later, or shall I say more than half an hour later...)
After a quick glance it looks like there is nothing out there for me...Sometimes I think I should start from scratch, because after all I need to open my mind again and breath the air of criticism again. Now, since I won't register for university before next year, I guess I've got time to buy books and study on my own, and decide what I'd like to do best.
I am thinking...summer is a boring social life because all the friends are away on holiday, and no band, so even less social life. Hot air, no sleep, the district festival, too hot to run, not enough Sundays to go to the lake, desperate efforts to suntan, too hot to lay in the sun like lizards do, shall I go on?
So even this diary is going to be boring, but then...tomorrow I am leaving for Dublin, and then Wales, and then such long holidays this year, a sort of compensation for the awful summer of 2005. That WAS a terrible summer. Yes, it's payback for all that bad time.
I should stop here...I'll be back in a month and I guess I'll have a lot more to write. And just to change, there will also be more hopes and ideas and my usual mental chaos.


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