
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

30 November 2006

Peggy was here, 1997-2004 (on and off)

I've been having nostalgic thoughts of my life as a student, recently..even if, let's face it, most of it sucked! Sharing a house with 12 hysterical girls, running to catch over-crowded buses every single day, attending packed classes where I (almost) always had to sit on the floor, and the smallest library in the world...
It was a great time. Reading all those books, taking notes, discussing literature and linguistics, gender and philosophy, complaining over impossible times of lessons and (illegally) photocopying books...And coffees before classes, hot sandwiches or slices of pizza in Piazza Vecchia, walking/running from class to class in the beatiful narrow streets of the town...And when spring and the first warm sun arrived, lying in the square (defying killer pigeons!) with books and notes, feeling the sun on our cool was that, how beautiful and never long enough, how...

I plan to go there next week, for the first Christmas market of the season. It's too warm, and sunny, and Autumn-like, this year, it doesn't feel like Winter/Christmas at all. Last year this time I was half-trapped at home watching the snow endlessly falling down, shining everywhere.

And I may try to be crazy enough and look for a job there again...a change of scenery is exactly what I need, after two and a half years trapped in this valley (and they feel like two thousand...)


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