
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

14 November 2006


If I needed a reminder that my birthday is getting closer...but I don't need it!

And the first sign that it is my birthday soon is the very first BIRTHDAY CARD:
When I receive Liz's card (every year she's the very first to send me greetings) I know that there aren't many nights to the Great Event of the Year...
But wait: the Great Event of the Year is the dinner with the band to celebrate the protectress of music, right?
But being that night on the weekend when I would celebrate my birthday, since the Day of Music is the day after my birthday, then the two things collide and an incredible party emerges! There are all my best friends (excluding university friends and friends from abroad..but if you happen to be around, come and join us!) and some 80 people more, and there's music and food and fun until 2 o'clock at night, when the restaurant usually shows clear signs meaning "get the f...out of here!", and this is when we move to the band ( that point there are about 20 of us left) and we continue the singing, and the laughing, and the chatting. Then the few adventurous ones go see the sunrise by the small lake at the top of the town, or should I say they go freeze by the lake just for the fun of concluding the night properly...
Anyway, the GEY (I hope this acronym doesn't have other meanings, let me know please!) is THIS Saturday and I AM READY!
Unfortunately this year it looks like it's going to be less fun than usual...
Some people are missing, some other are not exactly in their best mood...and dont' look at me! I've recovered from the B&S guy depression, if only because I'm too busy enjoying the house without my parents around!
(And anyway, my birthday is on Tuesday, which is the day when I go to the gym, and I promised I would offer something to eat, like my special brownies, and never know...)(Yes I'm hopeless).
To sum up:
- on Saturday night, 18th, there is the Great Event of the Year, and I AM READY!
- and next Tuesday, 21st, I'll celebrate my (drums..........................................) 28th birthday!
Of course now, what with all these things going on, emotionally I mean, B&S guy, frustration at work, troubles at home, and all that, my birthday is probably going to be a bit different from the other years, when all I cared about was to be noisy and crazy and selfish and not care about anything. This year I'm afraid there will be a lot more thinking involved. Also, two days after my birthday I will "celebrate" my very first year here at work...And yes, even more thinking will follow...
But for now, who cares, carpe diem, let's just think about going to the gym tonight, and after that I'll go to see my teaching friend who will have prepared one of her fantastic desserts, and we'll chat and plan and I will feel better thanks to her rational mind, that makes my thoughts look clearer and brings new ideas and points of view.
And now, for the countdown...
To the Great Event of the Year: - 4 and counting...
To my birthday: - 7 and counting...


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