
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

30 June 2007

And here we go!

Ok...(almost) all booked for Salisbury too, and we pray for good weather...
Now I've got to pack and then shower and then have something to eat and then leave...and pray some more for everything to go smooth...
Last night, summer fair at the band, the first of three nights of music and food and fun: I worked like mad and had a fantastic time, really. Drummer friend's group played for a couple of hours and then another group played, great.
I said goodbye to Guy (who looked for me to chat a bit before leaving); to Rambler friend who's desperately trying to finish his dissertation in time...; and to all the others. It's been a good evening and night but I am happy to leave and make the most of this month virtually by myself, only me, the course, books and my notebooks.
I'm not sure I will be able to post more during July because...well, because. So if you don't hear from me again, have a good time and come see me in Brighton!
(And a note to Rigmor: I will try to email you when I'm there, so we can try to meet after such a long time. And Charlotte, if you are reading, let me know about you too!)
Love, sunshine and hopes from your truly.

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