
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

06 December 2006

Christmas wishes

I wish, I wish...
I wish this Christmas was different.
I wish my friends could be with me more often.
I wish I could buy presents and give them to my friends in a movie-like setting, with the xmas tree, music, hot chocolate.
I wish I could spend a good New Year's eve, if only dining with my friends and waiting for the beginning of the new year together, instead of hearing them talk of yet another suicidal trip to some major city for a whole evening and night in the streets, freezing to death, drinking like mad, getting lost, catching trains at impossible times.
I wish the concert went well...and since it's all utopian, I wish the two percussion girls magically disappeared five minutes before we begin.
I wish I could, for once, tell somebody that I like him, and receive something in return, possibly something better than "Oh..well, actually, don't be offended but..."
As an alternative, I wish that somebody I like came up to me to tell me that he likes me too.
I wish I received a present by somebody who really means it, rather than a conventional present just because it's xmas.
I wish my mother stopped talking of how the second bedroom in my house-to-be can be smaller because I am alone, after all.
I wish a lot of things that cannot happen.
For example:
I wish I were a penguin.


  • At 11:35 PM, Blogger Rigmor said…


    if it makes you feel better, I totally share some of these with you. Especially "I wish my friends could be with me more often.
    I wish I could buy presents and give them to my friends in a movie-like setting, with the xmas tree, music, hot chocolate.
    I wish I could spend a good New Year's eve, if only dining with my friends and waiting for the beginning of the new year together, instead of hearing them talk of yet another suicidal trip to some major city for a whole evening and night in the streets, freezing to death, drinking like mad, getting lost, catching trains at impossible times."


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