
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

26 January 2007

Snow! (Or not?...)

Dream # 1: the secretary, aka The Leader of the Triumvirate (TLT), and I are at the office and the payslips arrive. Since there is nobody else there, we decide to take them all and leave for Pavia (a nice city of Northern Italy where I spent a couple of days two years ago). ………………………..
No, nothing else.
I wake up on Wednesday morning feeling all confused, and cold because it is getting colder and colder: winter’s here!

Dream # 2: I argue with my boss over some of the usual matters (he thinks he’s right, I KNOW I am). I explain, screaming, what has happened, for the umpteenth time, while trying to do my job without his annoying intervention; I give example after example while they listen to me scream and cry. I decide there and then to quit my job and go downstairs, with the boss’s wife and somebody else trying to convince me not to go, worried about what I will do now. I think about it too, since I cannot find another job, and I would not earn enough with the work I do for my mom, because she doesn’t need much from me. The boss’s wife then tells me that they can send me to work to some other office where I would be dealing with tourism, so I would be satisfied and have a regular pay, and I am undecided because I’m not convinced that this is what I want, I only want to quit this place.
I wake up: tired, confused, upset.

And outside it is all…well, a beautiful colour. It is still dark, and the mountains are covered in snow. The sky is greyish-purpleish, rain and weak snow are falling in the misty air.

Thought number one: !”$£%%/&$%%£!”%! (Translation without the cursing: “of course it had to be today! So I go to work today, and tomorrow I can’t go out because of the frozen streets, but by Monday it will all be clear and clean and I will have to go to work all the same!”)
Thought number two: awww! The snow!
Well….It didn’t last, and it wasn’t real snow anyway.
The sky has already cleared, and it was beautiful to see the road from my street to the higher mountain, all covered in a thin layer of snow and the blue sky behind. Absolutely brilliant.
This is when I wish I had a digital camera, so that I could take pixies and publish them here to share them with those who read. Well…tomorrow I will take some photos with my “normal” camera (better quality anyway) and soon or late I’ll scan them.

The weekend’s almost here and I have no plans except sleep and heal my bad back – I can’t sit or stand without feeling this piercing pain – delightful.
On the side of good news I can also say that:
February is almost here, which means the fair in town, a dinner with my friends from university, a lot of evening work, the new laptop (but first, genius brother has to go for that superlong interview where if he passes he’ll have a supercool job and travel a lot and earn a massive amount of money and…), and hopefully the beginning of the bassoon: the conductor is looking for a teacher, since the one working for another band has proved to be an excellent player but a terrible teacher, so now they’re looking for a replacement. When they find him/her, I can start too. I CAN’T WAIT!

Finally, work-a-holic friend is freaking out (a long process that so far has made her get a tattoo, plan to get another one, get the driving licence for motorbikes, BUY (!) a motorbike, buy a brand new mountain-bike, buy a videocamera, and, recent news, book a one-week cruise to Greece and plan a weekend in a beauty farm – where I will have the pleasure to go too), so, she’s going crazy, and her latest email announces her decision to buy a treadmill…And my friends say that I am mad??? At least I’ve gone mad in a long span of time, not all of a sudden! My mother should thank me for that, and for not exploding with changes and new things...
And now, for the weekend...


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