
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

12 January 2007

A bit of this, a bit of that (and on murders)

What will all this talking of family and stuff I have put off the fourth post for my bookclub. But first, for casual news and uninteresting events of the week and plans for the weekend, just to calm my mind and pass the time (seen as the boss is not interested in shouting at me at the moment, so…let him be).
I’ve worked out so much last night, or so it feels…if I think of it, it comes down to nothing, really, but still I went home shattered, and this morning it was so hard to get up, and not only because it’s Friday and this is the heaviest/hardest days of the week. The S&S guy was happy to find out about a problem in my back he thought I had (“you have made me a happy person”…well, see? I make people happy!...), and consequently made me work on it for a loooong while, and it was so hard I could barely breath. Mind you, it was only stretching and that, with interval training made of cross-trainer, bike, and the final blow of 20 minutes on the treadmill (which should have been 25 running, but I made 10 running and 10 walking, and then suggested that maybe, next time, can I have the treadmill first and not last, pleeeease?). I woke up this morning with this incredible tiredness in my body, and with the Friday mantra “only eight hours and then I’m free”…I can do it!
I also plan to run a bit tonight, my 5K, easy, before going to the band. This is because tomorrow we have another destructive mission at the shopping mall, where I intend to buy, and I feel so vain when I write or say these things. But I do need clothes, since most of my tops and trousers and shoes have gone into charity, and…well…I also “need” some dvd, if only because my laptop will be around soon and then I will set myself to the noble mission of watching more movies every week. So, this is my plan. There are also chores to do, sometime in the weekend (I guess Sunday morning), and more books to pack and carry downstairs (I would say another...oh, five boxes, probably, and then we’re done with that and can pass to the kitchen..ha, that will be fun!).
Last night I was almost going to say hello to my father, then couldn’t do it. It sounds stupid to say that I may try today. But that’s what I intend to do.
I am shocked by the way things have come out in the investigation over the people killed last month near Como. This article is but a piece of what I could read, and it leaves me speechless to hear of such hatred. And it is awful that we all thought or had the suspicion that yes, it must have been the husband who did it, because he’s an immigrant. Or in any case we were given that possibility as the first to follow, as if the locals would not do anything of the kind. It’s terrible; like the girl and her boyfriend who killed her mother and brother out of jealousy and hatred and then said it was a group of Bosnians or such. It’s also true that if it weren’t for his alibi and for the guy who survived we may have never known the truth, the investigation may have stopped. Or not, it may have gone on for months, with people accusing other people and all that. Like the mother who killed her son, three years ago. Evidences proved that it could only have been her, yet she went on saying that it wasn’t her, that it must have been this or that, the case was open for so much and messed up with false evidences or accuses from her defence that someone had messed up with them, until eventually she was charged with the murder. Out of no reason, though, she had “only” gone mad, what some psychiatrist called a moment of split personality or such. But still, it’s scary. Images and stories of past murders, like the nun killed by those two girls because of some anti-christ idea , like the mother killing her daughter because..can’t remember if it was because she wanted to be with a man who didn’t appreciate the idea of having children around, or because she was “too noisy”. Maybe they were two different cases.
At times it is fascinating, in the morbid way murder can be: I mean, why, and how, and when does the idea rise in a person’s head, and what the hell is going on there?
Apparently now, what with the new resources of criminology (C.S.I like), there may be new results on a case dated 1992, and I am very curious about it because it was one of the first I heard of. After the monster of Florence, that is, which is still amazing to think of, especially when it comes to who the killer was, although at the time there was less (or no) talk of profiles and dna, so…
On second thought, maybe I should embark on some criminology degree…


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