
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

25 January 2007

Only 24 hours in a day? Really?

Very well…
I am not very happy, these days.
Where do I begin?....
I would not talk about my mother getting angry when I decided I would finish packing the books, and being angry because she wanted to take part in the process and I said I could do by myself, she said something like “ you’d better find yourself a hobby”. She was really cross and nervous and tired and all that. Still, it hurt. Because I have hobbies, and I use my free time in different ways, and I also like tidying and working in the house, and I was doing it because I didn’t want her to work too hard on that, and my only spare time would be Sunday mornings, so what the hell. I would tell her about it, only she wouldn’t understand.
Second, the ex-pregnant girl is back next Tuesday. I have moved my computer so she can go back to her private office, and she will use flexible times for her child. The boss’s wife said that for the next two years it should be like this, and asked me if everything is ok, and all, because she knows I’m scared of the secretary, and she understands that this is not the job of my life. God, do I know. But she’s right, and I know, that if I just work and then live my real life outside this office, then things are ok. And I have lots of plans, among which I am counting the bassoon, the second degree, the writing, and all the running and working for the house.
Of course, it would be a lot easier if this stupid boring job didn’t swallow ALL my time, leaving me a few hours in the evening where generally, after working out, the only thing I can do is fall unconscious on my bed…I was also thinking that with the arrival of my new laptop, and the going back to writing, I will have to be extra organised, so that writing, reading, working out, watching movies, studying…the routine will be strict and possibly pleasant, because I’ll be doing things that I really like.

I think that now a general overview on the things to be done this year would be good; so here we go:

January: almost over, and the only thing I can count is going to see a laptop (tomorrow) since genius brother is too busy going back and forth from Turin for his (probably) new superpaid exciting job.
February: buy the laptop; get back to writing; begin the bassoon – study planned every night for at least half an hour + Saturday and Sunday; buy a kettle.
March: sell the treadmill and buy a cross-trainer (end of the month); works in the house begin (mid-month or end of it); start organise summer vacations.
April: go to Trieste (after Easter); go see for the kitchen, armchair and sofa.
June: register for uni test; pay car insurance;
August: holiday (to be spent…I don’t know. Somehow I feel I shouldn’t go with mother this year, what with our both being so hysterical and arguing very often. I don’t know.). And that’s it.
September: test at uni + register for the first year.
October: buy the books for the exams; go see for yet another kitchen and for a wardrobe and bed for my bedroom to be (maybe also for a solution for the living room – where do I put all my books??).
November: shop for clothes –traditions must be respected – for the Big Event of the Year; buy some furniture (to be decided); something for the car to be paid.
December: prepare for concert; spend more time on the bassoon and on the exams at uni; car insurance and guarantee to be paid; plan what exams will be done in January and inform at work.


So…my boss is moody and extra-black, and finds reason after reason to be even angrier. Of course he is always right even when he is not. Like when I tell him that the order does not say when the things must be delivered, and he says that I haven’t paid enough attention. Or other examples which I don’t want to give now, because I am so angry and nervous about it.
Fuck, I need another job. Or I want this as part-time, so I bother about being shouted at only for the morning, and I don’t have to suffer from insomnia, or feel my heart sink when the gate opens and the first thing I see is his car, or when I see his car arriving, or when I open my mailbox and see the fall of emails from him, or when I have to ask him something, one more time, because I don’t have a clear idea of what he wants, since no, I am NOT good at mind-reading, sorry about it. And more.
Anyway. I wish I could change, but my cv is not good, really, and I am not able to do anything. Maybe I should just move abroad and “recycle” myself as…what? Oh, hell.
Thank god for the lunch break.


So, update update update: I have a day without angry boss at last, although he keeps calling us – by which we understand that he is not driving, so is bored and therefore spends time thinking over things and finding the tiniest reasons to call us and shout at us…he is like a child with short attention span..shame he’s over 50 and is a lot more difficult to manage (see: we cannot shout back at him because…well..he’s the boss).
Anyway, in spite of now being in the worst possible place with my computer (no, not really! Only, as I said, my privacy has decreased…), I have had the time to search for offers in publishing, and found a few things. So today I plan to send some forms and cv and obviously cross my fingers!
No, there isn’t a second for this update. Maybe later, though…

Update on the switch to the new blogger version: nevermind, people, I can’t do this! I should open a google account but the page won’t open, so, to hell! I don’t care! ! have better things on my agenda that this switch! Where have I put my flowers of Bach?


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