
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

22 January 2007



Good things going on in my life as opposed to what makes me feel depressed, angry, or hopeless.
My treadmill is not entirely bad and I can still run with it for another couple of months before I sell it;
The weather is sunny and cool and beautiful, although not as cold as it should be ;
Tonight I am going to the gym, which means work out, music, some fun, a chat, and a general feeling of wellness;
Tonight at the band we will discuss of important subjects and we may be good enough as to get a result, this time;
Tonight I am also going to set a plan for my study of the bassoon with our conductor ;
Less than two hours to lunch time, less than six hours to the weekend, less than a month to the next payslip, less than I think to some bank holiday or vacation;
I am going to enrol for a second degree and this will let me learn new and interesting things, and will also give me the possibility to take a year off as an exchange student and to find a better job when I am done.;
Number of times I have to do the chores at home before we begin the works: 6 (or 7);
And talking of the house that will be, we have just received the official project and my apartment is gorgeously large and organised, with enough space for my messy me;
By December or by next January I will have my own apartment and I will be “free” at last (with all that this implies);
By the beginning of February I will have a laptop to work and watch movies whenever I want, which means that I am going back to writing soon;
I have just received a nice letter from David and I have the occasion to fulfil my goal for the new year: write more letters and less e-mails.


Things that have filled my day:
Sleep late and then go for a hot chocolate in a town I really like;
Clean the windows while listening to loud music, then do the chores upstairs, tidy the kitchen and sing;
Meet shop-a-holic friend, rambler friend and trendy friend for yet another hot chocolate while playing with my Brain training and chatting for a couple of hours;
Watch the end of Everwood, which has been one of the best endings for a tv series: it left me both happy and melancholic, and the music was well used, albeit cheesy, but I fall easily for these things when I’m in the right mood. Everwood has been by far one of the nicest series I’ve seen in a while (not counting medical dramas or Law & Order, that is, which are entirely a different genre);
Work for my second part-time job while listening to good music even though I was in a terrible mood;


Things that have I should have done vs. things I have actually done:
Wake up earlier to finish the chores vs.wake up late and argue with mother over my decision to pack the last five boxes of books;
Have a lazy lunch and watch tv before running vs. have a lazy (delicious) lunch and sleep until past four;
Have a long run vs. walk for an hour;
Begin a book vs. play endless games of sudoku while watching NCIS (which I thought I didn’t like, but probably got some interesting episodes);
Go to bed early vs. go to bed late due to my long siesta in the afternoon (as a result, I overslept…which I never do…Scissors Sisters crept in during my sleep, but only to become a soundtrack of some dream I have forgotten. Anyway…).

Monday (after getting to work half an hour late…)

Things that will keep me going these week:
My dvd have arrived and I will soon watch them on my new laptop;
I have lots of things to do and being busy is the best way not to be depressed;
Tonight I am going to run and then fill in all the application forms I downloaded last week (not that I have a chance…but trying is always worth);
I promise and swear that on Wednesday I will go swimming;
I will have some time to look at furniture and see if for my new apartment to come I can find something nice to begin with (using the current furniture and replacing only a couple of things, like…the kitchen. Or get a decent armchair, or a proper closet for all my clothes and bed-sheets and all that. We’ll see. Right now).

And one thing that will NOT make things easier at work:
The ex-pregnant girl is back next week and today I have moved my computer to the big office, shared with the leader of the triumvirate and another guy. Luckily I am at the end of the room, and I have quick reflexes to close any page that shouldn’t be open while working…

And with all these things to do, I had better get going.


  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger Amy said…

    Hi Peggy. I was really, really honoured to see myslef in your links list (found you whilst detectiving through my visitor activity on my blog!). Thanks for all the very happy, entertaining stuff on this blog; I will definitely be back (although I will try and finish my current essay first...).
    Hope the bassoon is going well. I've just read The Rotters' Club and am planning to start The Close Circle very soon... Have you read it and is it worth it?! (See, I have been stalking your profile too!)
    Welsherella/Amy x

  • At 2:25 PM, Blogger Peggy said…

    Welsherella! Happy to read you too! Yes "the closed circle" IS good, but I think J. Coe's books are all great (especially The house of sleep).
    I started reading your blog because I used to leave in Wales and I miss it, so when I read about your fairyland I feel like I'm back.
    Keep posting and Good luck for your essay!:-)

  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    Thank you :) I hope I won't shatter your illusions by saying that I'm actually not in Wales any more... but I promise to write about it lots more if that would help! Where abouts did you live?

  • At 2:39 PM, Blogger Peggy said…

    (As in, I can't believe how ignorant I've been...but then again, I haven't read much of your blog yet...boss is always around when I'm into some interesting reading...)
    Anyway, wherever you are, good luck, and I'll keep reading:-)


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