
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

29 October 2007

Italian Blues

The weekend has come and gone.
Mum was here to visit, and it all started on Thursday night, with Ian coming to see me at 9, and staying here for a long chat until 10.30. Then I read, prepared, tidied…I obviously was nervous, and managed to sleep just enough before waking up and going to catch that impossible bus at 3 am, which dropped me in Stansted at 6.30. I had my breakfast, an endless walk around, and finally mum arrived, early on th schedule, so we could get a coffee and go get the bus for Brighton. We checked in at the B&B, and started off our visit to Brighton, first with a trip to Hove to see where I work, then to the university, where we bought a shirt for brother genius, then to my house to see how lovely and clean it is (spent almost 3 hours cleaning and tidying, on Thursday…now, today, 4 days later, a note on the board in the kitchen tells me that noisy housemate on drugs has done the chores…yeah, easy). We go back to town, and walk around in the lanes, in the shops, we stop at the Japanese restaurant after buying a dessert at M&S, so we have our dinner, a walk to the pier, and then we are back at the B&B for tea, dessert, tv, cuddles…my, I missed my mum. There is this incredible sadness and nostalgia flowing among us, and I leave the B&B tired and sad.
The morning after I get up and run to the shower, then run to have breakfast with mum: the guys of the B&B, wonderful people, have offered to let me have breakfast with her, since she doesn’t speak the language and it would be nicer for her to be with me during the meal. How lovely of them. We have a lot of coffee, and toasts with jam, and then we head for the library, and the North lane, before catching the bus to Rottingdean, where we walk around, to the gardens, we take pictures; before starting to go to the windmill Ian calls to say hello, to ask how things are going. It’s a quick, sweet phone call. He can surprise me, indeed he can.
After Rottingdean we catch another bus, and ideally we want to go to the Marina, but I change my mind, and decide that first we will have lunch and go shopping, then we will have dinner and conclude the day at the Marina, which must be nicer at night (how do I know, I’ve never been there). So we go to lanes again, and to several shops, because mum wants to buy me a present for my birthday, which will be in less than a month but she won’t be here. I can feel this incredible sadness, again, breaking my heart in small, piercing pieces. It’s unbearable.
We go to Sainsbury’s for a quick shopping, chocolate and tea for her, and some stuff for me like fruit and cheese and bread; then it’s B&Q, where she buys me a plant, and tomato seeds for herself. We leave the stuff at home, I get changed, and we go back to town. At M&S we buy more chocolate and our dessert for later, and that is when I find a beautiful long jumper, pink, which can be a fantastic dress with leggings, and so we buy it, and although I pay with my card she wants me to tell her how much she will have to give me, because this is her present for my birthday.
After that we go for dinner to a pub in the lanes, where I have a delicious soup, and she has a delicious roast beef with Yorshire pudding, and we share a pint of ale, and we chat and laugh and conclude with a walk in the lanes again, before going to the B&B and watch more tv, drink tea, eat our dessert (n.b.: M&S’s desserts are not as good as they look. A real disappointment). It’s lovely to watch CSI, I missed it, and it’s also very sad.
On the way back home for the night I cry and cry and cry. I don’t sleep well at all.
In the morning, at breakfast, I look at her and start crying, igniting her tears too. We try to talk while waiting for the bus, and I cannot believe how angry I get when I try to explain that I don’t know what to do, because again, she would be the only reason I would go back home, and it seems to me a very good reason, but I don’t know what else I could do, where I could find a job, how, what, and all I want, all I really want, is to be home with her, and take care of her, with her bad shoulder, and her two jobs where she needs a hand, and the chores where she is paying to have the house clean but I could do it better and for free, and all that. I just want to help and be with her, because then she would be happy. And at the same time I start asking myself, why am I here? So I try and make a list of the reasons to stay here and the reasons to leave. And I cannot think. I get so sad and depressed. We cry a bit more on the bus to Stansted, and when it’s time for her to leave we hug and we cry so much, and I think, and say, joking, that I must be really growing old, to get so emotional, as if we were leaving to never meet again. And it scares me to think that her health is not too good, and that she needs me. I manage to stay calm and watch her go through the x-rays, waving goodbye to the last minute, when I lose her sight, and then I wait a minute more and turn to go and catch the bus, bent, crying. I cry for hours on the bus. I get to Brighton and look at the sky, clear at last, and I think of the city, dirty and full of mad people, full of noisy, dangerous people, with no brass band, with nothing to hold on to. I go to bed and am crying, out of tiredness and more.
This morning I wake up confused and tired in the bones. I manage to do a pretty good lesson, all in all, although I feel I am not really here, my head is in a thick fog, and I am not well. I prepare tomorrow’s lesson, and something for Wednesday’s too, then I walk to the library, and I am so tired I almost fall asleep. Then a quick round at the gym, only 45 minutes, where I shock the personal trainer who sees that last week I did run 55 minutes…I know, I am full of surprises.
I catch my bus to come back home, and tidy the kitchen, eat some cheese and carrots, finally tidy my room. I am now in my bed, waiting for mum to call, and thinking.
I’ve just been on the chat with some guys from the band, who are supporting me in my decision to stay: career, and whatever.
My fogged mind can only think that I miss my mum and want to go home to be with her, and snuggle on the sofa while watching CSI, and Cold Case, and then go the cinema on Sunday, and go back to the quiet routine of Saturday chores and shopping, and walks and all that. It is so difficult.
Then I think, my master will start in 11 months. I could as well go back home, work for 6 months somewhere, then come back here for the summer (or somewhere else in England) as a TESOL teacher again, and move back here for the beginning of the master, which would be part-time, so I would still need my job at Sprach, which is why I would come here for the summer, so to keep my job from, say, April/May onwards. On the other hand, I have applied for two jobs, at the university library, part- and full-time. I hope to get either, really, because the part-time would be perfect to let me keep my teaching job, and the full time…well, full time, permanent, in a library? A dream coming true, nothing less. So both things would make me happy. Not that I have any hope, let’s face it. That is why I was thinking about going back home, but deciding it after the (possible) interview for these jobs, which would prove what a useless scam I am, and would seal my decision that home is the best place to be, because at least I would be useful for mum, comfort and help in the house and with her second job. That seems to be my only aim in life.
Of course, things would have been a lot more different if what happened in September hadn’t happened. Then I would have been my selfish me, I suppose, although it is not a side of my personality, which is why sometime I believe I have been punished for becoming so selfish all of a sudden, for thinking only of how happy I was, for the first time in my life. This makes me think, also, of how painful it is to be here, sometimes, especially when I am not in a good mood, and of how painful it is to just go around the university, or even around the lanes, sometimes, if I am not concentrating on daydreaming or (unsuccessfully) planning some lesson.
This morning, one of the teachers, the funny one, gave me a joking hug after he pretended to hit me with a book, since I was standing in front of the shelves again, daydreaming of something else. Told like this it sounds bad, but he is an incredibly funny guy, he really makes me laugh, and he’s affectionate, and I miss human contact. As always. I miss a good, real hug. England sucks, on this sort of things.
To cheer up before mum calls me, I am now watching some videos from a comedy programme I used to watch back home.
I need some time to think. Ian texted me this morning, and then called me tonight, sweet child. I would like to talk to him, and have to wait until he’s ready to meet me and have our usual talk, cup of tea, whatever. He brings me chocolate when he comes to visit. He’s nice and sweet. Sometimes, though, I get the idea that he behaves like this out of some guilty feeling towards me, for dragging me in Brighton and then dumping me like this, for hurting me like he did. Sometimes I feel I am this useless emotional burden he’s rather do without. Of course, I cannot tell him that. This is another taboo subject. My word, we are so alike, it takes my breath away.
So, one more time, I need time to concentrate, and try and work things out about my future. I guess my next post will be something like “pros and cons of Brighton life”…prepare.

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24 October 2007

A walk in the country - part two

Shoreham, October 20th.

A very pleasant day, a lovely walk in the country, nice people to chat to, tea, a sandwich, more tea, and fresh autumn air.

A lovely day.

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A walk in the country

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21 October 2007

Sunday sleepy Sunday

End of a week..beginning of a week.
It feels both good and bad.
It would feel a lot better if I could have got some decent sleep, but this is a quick account of what happened last night in bevendean crescent…
First of all, Polish housemate comes home from work, and as it is in her custom, she starts banging cupboards to prepare some food, before running up the stairs, slamming the bathroom door and take a shower; after that, she slams the door open, slams it closed, and goes to her room, which happens to be next to mine, and bangs it closed. She then drops a glass, so she runs out of the room to the bathroom, and I will not talk of the next ten minutes…
The night proceeds uneventfully…
Then, suddenly, somebody starts knocking on the door. Not once. Not twice. He bangs on the doors, drums on the window, knocks more violently on the door, for what happens to be an eternity, at least judging from my beating heart. Polish housemate gets up, but doesn’t intervene.
Then the brainless idiot (from now on he will simply be B.I.) starts calling for silent housemate. Not once. Not twice. He bangs on the door and shouts her name. shame that silent housemate’s room is on the other side of the house…Frightened, fogged Peggy opens the window and says that silent housemate is not there. “Really?”, says puzzled B.I. And that’s when silent housemate runs downs the stairs, opens the doors, and leads the way to her room heavily swearing at B.I. for the next half hour. Peggy goes back to sleep.
It’s almost light outside when Polish housemate gets up and starts preparing to go out. she runs down the stairs, bangs every cupboard in the kitchen to make some breakfast, slams the dishes in the sink, runs back upstairs to get ready in the bathroom, slams more doors to go from the bathroom to the bedroom and back a few times, then she runs downstairs, slams open the door, slams closed the door…then slams it open again, runs upstairs and slams open her door, bangs it closed, rushes downstairs, slams open, slams closed. Silence returns.
It’s now past seven o’clock, and Peggy lies in her bed, sleepless. This is the time I usually walk silently out of the door, heading for my work, after a silent breakfast, a silent-as-possible preparation in the bathroom (in spite of my love for morning showers I think that it’s not nice to wake housemates up, so I shower in the evening), a silent tidy-up of the bedroom, whose door is opened and closed most carefully. So, it’s seven o’clock on a crisp, clean morning, and Peggy decides to get up, and after preparing she walks to church, where she almost falls asleep every time the priest allows to sit. She then walks to Western road, buys a duvet cover, a vegetable curry for lunch, and catches the bus, where her patience after a sleepless night is tried all the way to her stop, by a couple of brainless idiots sitting behind her (this city is apparently packed with idiots, and they usually appear after a sleepless night or a hard day), by a lovely dog who is very interested in my hands and in my bedsheets, by a guy shouting and laughing on the phone, by slow traffic lights…People, my patience is really improving, after being tested so much.
Peggy gets home, has a delicious lunch, and heads for the bed, Agatha Christie…The afternoon, a lovely, sunny, crisp afternoon, is spent sleeping, and working on internet before going to Ian’s house for some pasta and a chat.
Once home, noisy housemate on drugs is cooking toad-in-the-hole, and she asks me if I have seen a jar of gravy anywhere. “Ehm, no, I don’t think so”, I say, and I expect to see my nose growing like Pinocchio’s…because two weeks ago, exasperated by the mess in the kitchen, I started cleaning around, randomly, and the three shelves packed with dusty sticky jars were promptly thrown in the bin, no second thoughts…among which, I remember well, a half-full jar of Bisto…Oops.
Oh, well.

Have a good week, everybody.

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10 October 2007

There's nothing like a hot cup of coffee, hey?

...I am teaching phrasal verbs connected to tv, tomorrow...
And on Friday it's movie day again, and we are preparing interviews to actors, to play a game.
The music quiz we played today went really well, and I was so happy to see them work on their questions, ask and "fight" over the correct answer! I love this job.

Currently listening to: The pretender - Foo Fighters. Love this song. Can't stop listening to it.

Currently reading (long list):
- The message (a modern translation of the Bible, and people, believe it or not, it's unputdownable)
- Ethics
- The problem of pain
- Introduction to film studies
- Koko (the only one of the list which is actually quite cheap and boring...)

Being intellectually challenged again, with lots of difficult reading and thinking over pages, is a fantastic sensation, one that I really missed. That is why I cannot wait to begin my master, in 2008. The countdown...It bothers me, or maybe it frightens me, that it will not be a full time activity, and that most of my time will be taken up by a much needed job, so if there's anybody out there who would like to contribute to my master by..paying the tuition fees AND my rent, please feel free!!!
Ok, just jokeing...

Finally, I will have my induction and first session at the gym tomorrow...Originally scheduled for yesterday, when I left the school it was pouring, and I arrived there in a messy soaked I made up some excuse to put it off and go home for dry clothes and hot tea (of course, less than an hour later, the sun came out in all its glory).
The important thing is to begin, and I cannot really wait for that wonderful feeling of complete exhaustion at the end of a full work out...Yes, I am mad (but you knew that already).


07 October 2007

Just to update

..because I suppose I don't have much to say...
I am currently viewing accomodation for mum who is visiting on the 26th, bringing (hopefully) lots of clothes, and more important, lots of books...
Master in Film Studies deferred to until next year...what's the point in applying as a part time student if then I am told that the course is compulsory (oh, but since you are part time you only have to attend one seminar, in an impossible time such as on Wednesdays, from 11 to 1...)? Anyway. I'll start next October,then. In a way this is better because I need money to pay for it, and I wouldn't have it now...
In other news, I am going to join the local gym tomorrow, so that my hyper me will be able to work out properly after work; I have started running again, but the joy of being in a gym, or of swimming? Can't wait to begin.
And if you really want to know, I have no idea of what to teach tomorrow...
Finally, Ian is nice. But you know this already. Ian is nice and sweet, and a good shy friend who texts me, and calls me every now and then, and who has decided that we must meet in the weekend, and only in the weekend. I don't object to that, what with my teaching, my studies (in spite of starting in a year, I thought I'd begin reading some stuff by myself), now the gym, and all that jazz; plus, I am well aware of his need to concentrate on his studies, and of how easily he gets tired, of the time he needs to be by himself to study, read, sleep. I know because that is exactly my need too. And although I wouldn't mind a quick coffee at the end of the day, or a walk before dinner, or something, I am happy to see him for a longer time during a Saturday or Sunday, with enough time to have some lunch, a walk, a good talk, and all that, rather than a hurried tea looking at the watch, thinking of things that have to be done. So, all settled.
Finally, Sundays look good, in a strange way. I went to church by myself today, and I was ok. I like the church, and the sermons, and the feeling there is good. Generally, my spiritual me is working, thinking, praying, and all this makes me feel good. I wish I had more time to...Well, I suppose I feel the need to catch up with some 20 years of non-religious thoughts, and this is when I miss Ian at times, because he could help me, and understand me. But I will let him be, and just pray for him to always be happy and smiling.

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