
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

07 October 2007

Just to update

..because I suppose I don't have much to say...
I am currently viewing accomodation for mum who is visiting on the 26th, bringing (hopefully) lots of clothes, and more important, lots of books...
Master in Film Studies deferred to until next year...what's the point in applying as a part time student if then I am told that the course is compulsory (oh, but since you are part time you only have to attend one seminar, in an impossible time such as on Wednesdays, from 11 to 1...)? Anyway. I'll start next October,then. In a way this is better because I need money to pay for it, and I wouldn't have it now...
In other news, I am going to join the local gym tomorrow, so that my hyper me will be able to work out properly after work; I have started running again, but the joy of being in a gym, or of swimming? Can't wait to begin.
And if you really want to know, I have no idea of what to teach tomorrow...
Finally, Ian is nice. But you know this already. Ian is nice and sweet, and a good shy friend who texts me, and calls me every now and then, and who has decided that we must meet in the weekend, and only in the weekend. I don't object to that, what with my teaching, my studies (in spite of starting in a year, I thought I'd begin reading some stuff by myself), now the gym, and all that jazz; plus, I am well aware of his need to concentrate on his studies, and of how easily he gets tired, of the time he needs to be by himself to study, read, sleep. I know because that is exactly my need too. And although I wouldn't mind a quick coffee at the end of the day, or a walk before dinner, or something, I am happy to see him for a longer time during a Saturday or Sunday, with enough time to have some lunch, a walk, a good talk, and all that, rather than a hurried tea looking at the watch, thinking of things that have to be done. So, all settled.
Finally, Sundays look good, in a strange way. I went to church by myself today, and I was ok. I like the church, and the sermons, and the feeling there is good. Generally, my spiritual me is working, thinking, praying, and all this makes me feel good. I wish I had more time to...Well, I suppose I feel the need to catch up with some 20 years of non-religious thoughts, and this is when I miss Ian at times, because he could help me, and understand me. But I will let him be, and just pray for him to always be happy and smiling.

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