
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

09 September 2007


I am trying to find the light I have suddenly lost after finding it, unexpectedly, on a bright Sunday afternoon, in Sussex, two months and a day ago. It feels like a lifetime. And sadness is like waves crashing on the shore, every wave bringing more pain in my heart.

Nothing to add, really.
But being in church today felt particularly good, for both of us, and it helped me (and Ian), somehow. So things can be better. In a while. I suppose.

I don't know when I will update my blog, now. I am trying to work things out in my mind, in my heart, here in Brighton. I need time, a better room (possibly with a light-bulb and a desk), and time to think and understand, and find peace.

I am praying, people, for Ian to be happy and smile, and find the happiness that I could not give him, in spite of all my efforts. I am praying that he will be happy like he deserves to be, il mio dolce, stupendo piccolino.
Please pray for me too.

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