
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

11 August 2007

The latest news

Thursday, 9th

A quick update on the developments:
So, first of all, as I’m writing I am waiting for Ian to call me…I received a text first thing this morning, with him asking me if he could call me sometime today. Lovely Ian. One month yesterday. Boy. I am excited at the thought of him calling me, and the cramps make me bend in two from pain. However. I cannot wait to see him again.
On the side of practical things, I have finally received an email for a room to rent near Falmer, and if by tonight I have no other news I will contact the woman and so the room problem is settled. Flight is booked too, I only need a job, but for that I already have some interesting feedback from places I have sent my application too, and am waiting for the deadlines of those applications to be called for the interview. So, all in all, I am positive and excited!
Next on the list (apart from settling the room thing properly, which should be done by tomorrow) is preparing the clothes to take away with me…I have started, and actually I have also almost finished, but I would really love to just take them out of the closet and be practical, like weigh them, calculate how much I can actually stuff in that case without overcoming the maximum weight allowed (damned Ryanair!).
Also, mum is going to pay for my contacts, which is cool, and if it’s not too expensive she’s prepared to pay for the new lenses of my old glasses, just in case; but I’m still thinking about it, so maybe it won’t be necessary. In any case, the next time we go shopping I will make sure to buy a dvd case too, which she will pay for, because I need one for the things I want to take with me when I leave (cannot live without dvd’s!). I am happy things are working out at last, and now that there are only 12 days to the departure I look around me and all I see is a messy desk I haven’t tidied yet (or actually I have, but then the mess, being alive, has crawled back again), a few books I need to finish (and considering that I wanted to return them tomorrow…), some more walks with friends, a few meetings with friends (seeing one tomorrow and then out for dinner with some others, seeing more next week, then the official girls’ night next week, and more and more…I really feel like a VIP!), running and running (the weather is good, i.e. it’s pouring with rain, which means it’s cool enough and I can run as much as I like), and then…packing at last, and getting to London, and catching the bus and going to Brighton, and…
I cannot think properly of when I am there, apart from practical things like getting to the house, or taking some time (a day or two maybe) to visit the city properly, and hopefully have some interviews settled soon, and I keep daydreaming of getting a good job, possibly at university, where I have applied for a few interesting positions (interesting because they are in the university, and it is an environment that makes me happy and confident, just to be there makes me feel good). Anyway. I am confident, as I said. It is a good feeling. And my wonderful Ian is going to call me in a short while, and I can’t wait to hear his voice again.

Thirty minutes later…
Just said goodbye to lovely Ian. A nice phone call. Both a bit embarrassed, talking of this and that; my eyes closed, listening to his voice, joking, laughing, updating. He tells me “lots of love”, and I repeat it, and he says “ti amo”, and I reply “thank you”…yes, I am that stupid. It feels strange and strong, that he tells me such an intense thing in my language, and I think of when I read it at the end of his letter, and the feeling that overwhelmed me straight away, unexplainable, unbelievable, coming to me in waves up to this very moment. We say goodbye, and I text him a minute later, saying “thank you ***ti amo***”, because he knows, but I’ve never told him. When we were in Brighton I thought about telling him, and of how early it would have sounded, and then he comes and sends me this letter which ends with those words. And he tells me now. When he learns that the room I have found is in Falmer he tells me that maybe then he will also look for some place in Falmer too, I tell him not to worry, then he offers to go look at it for me if I give him the details. It is beautiful, the way he wants to take care of me and look after me. It is sweet.
Yes, I do love him.

Saturday, 11th

More on everything again:
ok, I have found the room and it's not in Falmer but near London Road. Sounds good to me and cross your fingers, it must also be a nice room. And a quiet place.
I arrive in Brighton on the 21st and on the 22nd I have a job interview! Cool!
Ian is wonderful.
I have seen most of my friends now, will see them more next week, I have sunbathed a lot, run, started a good packing list, and bought some interesting books to guide me along the way. And I am all ready. I may even have found somebody who wants to buy my car, and how cool is that, since I REALLY need the money now...!
Ian is wonderful and I can't wait to see him again.

Bit repetitive, am I not? :-)

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