
Mental Chaos, or: A Confused Collection of Thoughts.

24 March 2007

Update by instalments - end of the week at last

Friday, 23rd

The last update before I post this exceedingly long one.
I’m sipping peppermint tea and trying to recover from my sleepless night…I woke up some time before 4 (you read me, lousy 4 a.m.) and when I realised I wasn’t going back I did what I was meant to do: computer, headphones, and the first two episodes of my beloved. How cute, how wow.
Last night I did a pretty good workout, and I was complimented upon by the train-man, who is a runner like me. News are that there is going to be another dinner with the people of the gym before Easter, which is always good news since I love going out for dinner. If I had no problems with money (as in, if I could just use it and not worry about paying for the house and the furniture and whatnot), I would set a night out every week. Anyway…
While on the treadmill, I was allowed to choose the music, because for the past week the same cd had been played over and over again…And after my choice (Lenny Kravitz, always good for a run), they put MY cd, the one I’d made for Christmas, and football guy (one of the trainers) suggested I make another one for Easter. They are all nice guys. They make me feel comfortable, and that’s priceless.
Note to self: must buy RW cd…
Finally, a few hours separate me from the weekend and I have just eaten a delicious crumbly mini cake brought from Epg who’s testing recipes for her baby’s first birthday party next week. She is a nice person, I understand that, kind and all: why does she make me feel so bad when we are working and when we are not she is gentle and offers me sweets? Damn – damn – damn!

One last thing, I promise (actually, one that is two…): this weekend the plan is to see all the applications I have found and saved on my computer, send the cv’s, and all that jazz. Oh, and cross my fingers.
Then, I am going to try and give it a go with the new Blogger, like putting labels on what I write, upload some pixies I got from genius brother, tidy up the mess…I’ll try that, really! After all, the way the weather is at the moment, I have doubts about my bike ride…But if you are reading this and you don’t notice any changes…well, be sure that I’m having a lot more fun on my bike riding by the river!



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